الأحد، 8 نوفمبر 2009

I've been really down lately w ma adry laish bas asmaa3 old (like min the 80z-90z) love songs w
bass asma3hum w abche laish shloon ma adry..
So i was looking for a post by danderma which i really loved it was
ma3ana i downloaded the song a long time ago bas i just felt like reading the post min awal w yedeed la2ana min hal post 3araft an ya7remona which is now min themen my favz
W i realized laish I've been down..
Don't you think people ib waktna are underestimaiting love?
Walaah kl ma athkeer hal salfaa etheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg 5lgy..
I beleive that love is the most beautiful and the purest thing a person can feel..
الحب أسمى من رماد الفلــــــــــوس ومن كنوز الأرض و ماس الشمـوس
الله وحده فجّره في الضميــــــــــــــر * وأجراه في دم الغني و الفقيـــــــــــر
وسيّره في الأرض عبر الأثيــــــــــر * وتوج الإنسان به فإرتقـــــــــــــــــى
these three words - 8 lettered sentence 9arat tengal eb baizaah
it's sad walaah el 3atheem people claiming they love a certain person when they barely know him/her
And the tuth is wether we like it or not We never chose who we fall in love with
but as soon as we fall in love with that sertain someone we just love him from all our hearts mahma kan el looks,background (except el a5la8 ) it doesn't matter we just love him endlessly..
Many people may think there in love but in fact they just like THAT feeling the feeling that she/he gives them !
Wallah there is A HUUUUUUUUGEE DIFFERENCE bain love and like..
madry meta el awadem ystaw3eboun hal shay..
Love is PURE
Love is RARE ...
And the list goes on and on
Love is just Love *sigh*
قالوا فؤاد الحب مصنوع ذهــــــــــب * ما يسكن الأكواخ أو دير القصـــــــب
يليتهم قد قابلوه في الطريــــــــــــــق * أو عانقوا بحر الغرام العميــــــــــــق
ما هو جواهر غالية أو عقيـــــــــــق * والشمس تكسي أرضنا بالنقــــــــــاء
Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *sniff* sniff*!!
Thats just my opinion what do you think?
ams knt agouul 7ag janooy(check her out bel previous post)
sm3ay hal kaleemaat malout an ya7remouna..
Chan etguly alaaaaaaaaaah
?gtlaahaa 9ij entay 7asaah feehum.. asheek !
chan etguly a9lan ma fahamt shay
Gtlaha esme7ely bas you don't know what love is..
)So a Note to all those who is currently in love (el love el 9ijy mole 5ubry 5ubrkum ;p
Meskooo w never ever let go of it charsh it with all your heart taraho Nadeer..
w 7mdaw rabkum enaw thegtaw 6a3maa
3ala goulathum ..
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
Tadruun shno 7aly
bahajeer ;p barou7 denmark a3eesh ehnaak ymd7un el awadem hnaak w bayeeb e3yal w bag3aad bdoun zawaj wala rayal (esta'3faralaah LOL! bas shnsawe shaklah mako 7al elaah ehwaa)
On a totally diffrent note..
Last week ray7a bakalem our geology teacher wela mo mawjouda chan etguly etnadyny el biology teacher wetguly hala Dalya ba'3aitay shay? (they stay ib nafs el '3rfaa)
w here is how the conversation went...
ME: laa bas knt bas2alha 3an sha'3laa *pauses*
Walaah agoul ablaaah sa3deeeeeny *flashes the hugest smile ever*
Bio teacher: Dalya ana ablaat Bio ya3ni male 3ela8a bel giology
Me: ya3ni ablaaaaah shda3wa kahe yamech ga3daa
Bio T: *egnores my stupid statment* again ana ablaat biology not giology
Me: ablaa yan3i ablaat el giology teg3aad yamich mo ma38ulah ma et3arfeen shay klshh...
Bio T: *gives me a strange/shocked look*
Me: ba3dain a7na a9lan a9lnaa a7afeer (fossils) bel a9eel (ga3deen etshufun el '3aba2 9a7? (A)! ;p
Hnee bio T shway yatha 7alaa ..
Bio T: NA3AAAM ? Na3aaaaaam? A9ELNA 5ALAAYAA 5ALAYAA 5alayaaaaa !!!
*smaks her head bel desk*
Me: *chuckles then leaves with whatever is left from her dignity*
and that's the last I've heard of her 8ademat este8alatha elyoum ely 3gbaa :P!
Laaa im just kidding walaah ;p
Please comment.. wa fe le8a2en a5ar inshaa2 alaah ;D