So.. 8arart eny i join the blogging world at last simply becouse i love everything about it sawa2an love stories/random post bethab6 agraah KLSHAYY..
ta8reeban klshay eb agraaah (don't you just love that website)
Jadd i started reading blogs min January ta8reeban w i just loved it w 9ara7a i got very attached law bathker el bogs ely a7bhum klsh maraa7 a5alee9
Anyways ra7 atkalam 3an nafsy shwaya im a simple kuwaity teenage girl who had a rough year ba7e6 ashya2 3any ib points.
I had a really bad experience ma3a a guy who was my bf/bff/madry kan wayed ashya2 bas 6ala3 a jerk so 6aff
thanyan ga3ad madry shkthr feeling down about it (bas mo ashkara klshay min ta7at lain ta7at w 7ade 7asait enah klshay 9akk eb wayhe
Kan whenever something good happens eyee something bas e9eek 3alaih
then safart for a very long time ebnethary which was really refreshing
3gbha i joined something which really changed my life.. It was a Life changing experince w 3araft enah everything happens for a reason w this thing trully changed My WHOLE life w it changed me ALOT !
it was the best experience of my life :)!
So 8arart enah i want to start a new page w enah i need to change my way of living so awal shay sawaitah i changed my school (which is turning out great el7mdilah {I'm still in touch with my friends whom i love bas el7mdilah eny mo wayd 9a3ba in making new ones}
bas i had to do it 3ashan my GPA w many other things
Bas el moshkela enah ana i've changed w my bff didn't ana a7bha wamout 3alaiha bas 9ij wayed ta'3ayart 3alaiha which was a problem
w 9rt e7mara w i kind of told her we're too diffrent w i can't be friends with you anymore(a77 i know bas shasawe it's really HARD ) She kind of told me a7sanlich w 3gbha i realised shkthr selfish i was w rathayt'ha) she has a bf whom i hate why you ask A'3AAAR MINAAH ! EE A3TEREF EL E3TERAF BEL 7A8 FATHEELA w it kind of goes both ways fa 6aff !
Ok so 3gb gargety w 7anety im just gonna say enah this blog is gonna be akthar shay random post 3an my life ..
anyways ba5alekum weya a conv i had ma3a my bff ib msn gabl shway and goodbye w if you ever run into my log please comment tara el box ra7at :P!
?ps: 5athait esm el motamared min blog the one and only hendanda don't you just love her
ma legait esm a7san a5af agoul shay thany anzaaf w 6aiba tara kolena fel hawa sawa Lool
Hatha men el nu9
Dalya Me: agoul tadren ena nesbat damy wayed shwaya
Jana: 3ady ana atbara3lech
Dalya: 5osh 3ayal ba8telech w bachayel minich dam
.. :)
Jana:ee 3ady
Dalya: ee 3ashan elmetmared ya8telne min ba3deech waayy yakerhaa
Jana: wayy 7aram 3alaich
Dalya: ba3ad edafe3 3ana chba7 way
J: agoul entay weyaah meyaneen keefkum yubaa
D:3ad et9adgeen lama etgulenly ena e'3aar astaaaaaaanssss.. en gltelah eny a'3aar ba3ad yawalich
D: laykoun gelteelaah
J; laaa;p
D: a7san metmared enzain e'3ar wayed wala shway?
J; wayeed wayeed ;p
D: Dooooooooom Dooooooooooooooooom
J: @!
D: zain ya3ni el krh min el 6arafain
J: ee kind of :P
D: ee Zain a9lan a7ss bas law achufa e9eer el wath3 emzana6
J: uff wayed
D: a77 ba3dain eshyabe hatha 3ala klshay emnashebny
J: haw shako klshay
D: bas kaife
D: sm3ay yawalich en glteelah eny a'3aar
J: inshalah
D: Golilah ehy 7ada 3ady la2ana tadry ehya shno 3ndy wbass sktaay
5al emouut 8ahaar ..
w 9awray bl shirt ely sharaitlech eyaha malat my wife went to london.. w dzeeha fahma
J: baaih mn zmaan w gale mno yayeblch eyaha gtlaah morty dalia gale "aha
:) "
Bl last part get what i'm talking about i was being sarcastic bas 6alaa3 9ij :) this is going to be a long journey...\
looooooool ur convo 3ajeeba bas ana ma fahamt shay il mitmared mino??? ya3nee is he ur boy friend wila janas o ee welcome to the blogsphere ;D
ردحذفAbaaaay red Walaaah eny a7bchh tara 3youny '3oregat !
ردحذفAwaaal comment eb 7ayate (can i be anymore gay? i don't think so :P!
EE il motamared is Jana's boyfriend not mine :)!
;*** w thanks ALOOOOT